I'm On My Own (Prediabetes)

The fact is that lots of people want to help you, starting with your family. They need to be engaged in making the right kinds of foods and helping you to make the right choices. Often, if one member of a family is obese and has prediabetes, several other family members have the same problem. Try to work together with them to follow good eating habits and do regular exercise. The behavioral changes that I suggest in topic 16 are even more powerful if all family members do them together.
Next is your doctor. He can make sure you are in good health before you start an exercise program. He can test you for the important measurements like blood pressure, kidney function, and cholesterol levels and interpret them for you. If you smoke, he can help you to stop.
Then there is the dietitian, who can offer a sensible plan for weight loss. She can work with you so that you continue to eat the things you enjoy but not the amounts that are causing your weight gain.
Another source of help is a psychologist, who can help you to understand some of the issues that motivate you to do unhealthful things.
Then there are support groups. It can be very helpful to hear how others have coped with the things you are going through. And your experience can help others. You feel less alone. You can vent and know that someone is listening. If money is an issue, keep in mind that support groups are often free. The only problem with support groups is that often there is no expert to guide the group, so not all the information you hear may be accurate. You can find support groups for just about any issue that you have. Here are some ways to find one:
Ask your doctor or therapist.
Contact a mental health organization.
Check the phonetopic under mental health or counseling.
Contact local community centers or libraries.
Get recommendations from friends or relatives.
Search the Internet.
Numerous resources are available to you, and numerous people are just waiting to offer their expertise to help you. Don’t waste another minute!

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