In common with most text topics, the waveforms shown in this topic (and later in the topic) are what we would hope to see under ideal conditions. It makes sense to concentrate on these ideal waveforms from the point of view of gaining a basic understanding, but we ought to be warned that what we see on an oscilloscope may well look rather different!
We have seen that the essence of power electronics is the switching process, so it should not come as much of a surprise to learn that in practice the switching is seldom achieved in such a clear-cut fashion as we have assumed. Usually, there will be some sort of high-frequency oscillation or ‘ringing’ evident, particularly on the voltage waveforms following each transition due to switching. This is due to the effects of stray capacitance and inductance: it should be anticipated at the design stage, and steps should be taken to minimise it by fitting ‘snubbing’ circuits at the appropriate places in the converter. However complete suppression of all these transient phenomena is seldom economically worthwhile so the user should not be too alarmed to see remnants of the transient phenomena in the output waveforms.
Acoustic noise is also a matter which can worry newcomers. Most power electronic converters emit whining or humming sounds at frequencies corresponding to the fundamental and harmonics of the switching frequency, though when the converter is used to feed a motor, the sound from the motor is usually a good deal louder than the sound from the converter itself. These sounds are very difficult to describe in words, but typically range from a high-pitched hum through a whine to a piercing whistle. They vary in intensity with the size of converter and the load, and to the trained ear can give a good indication of the health of the motor and converter.

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