Voice Dialing (iPhone 4)

You can voice dial using the built-in Voice Control feature or you can acquire an app to help you get it done. We’ll profile one free voice dialing app in this section.

Voice Control

You can use your voice to place calls using the Voice Control feature on your iPhone. You’ll find all the steps in the "Voice Control" section of topic 8: "Multitasking and Voice Control."

VoiceBox Dialer App

There are a number of free and paid apps in the App Store if you don’t like the way the built-in iPhone dialer works.

We tested one free App called VoiceBox Dialer and found that it worked well. Download the app from the App Store by doing a name search first to find it (see topic 26: "The Amazing App Store" for more details).

Once you install it, simply tap the VoiceBox icon to get started.


Voice Dial Contacts or Voice Search by Category

The main window has a large button which you hold down while speaking your request. You can call any contact in your Contacts list or simply dial a phone number. You can also search for local businesses by tapping the Category button and saying Find Starbucks or Find grocery stores (see Figure 10-6).

Using VoiceBox Dialer to call contacts and search for businesses.

Figure 10-6. Using VoiceBox Dialer to call contacts and search for businesses.

Search by Type of Business

You can search for a business of a particular type using the Search function.

1. Tap the Search soft key at the bottom of the screen.

2. Then tap the Business button at the top.

3. Scroll up or down, or type a search.

4. Tap the business type to start the search. The search uses the superpages.com search engine.

TIP: Seeing all the business categories can be helpful if you are not sure of the exact business category name.


VoiceBox Settings

You can customize the app with the Settings screen.

1. You can adjust whether or not the app gives you Voice Prompts, Sound Prompts, Voice Greeting, or Vibrates.

2. You may want to lengthen or turn off the Auto Dial Delay. This will give you more time if the app misunderstands who you want to call.

3. If your GPS is not working, or you simply want to use another location for the search, you can change it by tapping Search Location.


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