Universal Access in Human-Computer Interaction (UAHCI 2011)

Abstract In this paper we took an attempt to create a set of features to describe different types of user models. We classify the features into different sets like development process, data store, user study and so on and also describe it with the help of a case study. Finally we pointed out the benefits […]

Integral Model of the Area of Reaches and Forces of a Disabled Person with Dysfunction of Lower Limbs as a Tool in Virtual Assessment of Manipulation Possibilities in Selected Work Environments (Universal Access in Human-Computer Interaction)

Abstract The objective of the research project was to present new possibilities of accessibility and usefulness analysis in virtual designing of the work environment for a disabled person. This new computer tool of graphic record of anthropometric and biometric data of the set of layers was employed for a number of spectacular analyses essential for […]

Modeling the Role of Empathic Design Engaged Personas: An Emotional Design Approach (Universal Access in Human-Computer Interaction) Part 1

Abstract Norman suggested three dimensions of emotion to approach user-centred design to raise awareness of the importance of designing for users to achieve a higher level of satisfaction. In other words, the design should satisfy the user’s emotional desires beyond usability. This opinion explains user-centred design more broadly. Companies, such as Apple and Microsoft, have […]

Modeling the Role of Empathic Design Engaged Personas: An Emotional Design Approach (Universal Access in Human-Computer Interaction) Part 2

Results from Phase I: The Investigation of the Use of the Persona Table 2 shows how the designers developed their product concept using their current methods. As can be seen, six of them were product-centred, which means the designer only considered the product elements to make it pretty, regardless of the user. Three of the […]

Accessible UI Design and Multimodal Interaction through Hybrid TV Platforms: Towards a Virtual-User Centered Design Framework (Universal Access in Human-Computer Interaction)

Abstract We report on work towards an architecture that incorporates accessible design methods, guidelines and support tools for building and testing adaptive and accessible user interfaces (UI) for users with mild impairments. We especially address interaction constraints for elderly people, both during application design time and at run time, targeting on hybrid TV platforms. The […]

Modelling Cognitive Impairment to Improve Universal Access (Universal Access in Human-Computer Interaction)

Abstract The purpose of this study is to develop a model of cognitive impairment to help designers consider the range of issues which affect the lives of people living with such impairment. A series of interviews with experts of cognitive impairment was conducted to describe and assess the links between specific medical conditions, including learning […]

Integrating Human Modeling and Simulation with the Persona Method (Universal Access in Human-Computer Interaction)

Abstract This paper proposes a method to integrate human modeling and simulation with the persona method to efficiently predict human behavior with different personalities in a variety of situations. We have applied the method to predict residents’ behavior in an emergency situation to design emergency announcement strategies and have confirmed that this method can semi-automatically […]

User Modeling through Unconscious Interaction with Smart Shop (Universal Access in Human-Computer Interaction)

Abstract Ubiquitous, mobile and wearable networks unified on the internet are rapidly promoted and introduced into our daily living sphere. That means people, unfamiliar to information technology and human computer interaction issue, are becoming a large part of the users of the unified information environment. Thus we need a new concept of information environment design […]

Supporting Inclusive Design of User Interfaces with a Virtual User Model (Universal Access in Human-Computer Interaction)

By: Pierre T. Kirisci                   : Universität Bremen, Bremen, Germany Martin Hilbig                       :BIBA – Bremer Institut für Produktion und Logistik GmbH, E-Mail: info@biba.uni-bremen.de Internet: www.biba.uni-bremen.de Patrick Klein Markus Modzelewski        :Universität Bremen, Bremen, Germany Michael […]

Virtual User Concept for Inclusive Design of Consumer Products and User Interfaces (Universal Access in Human-Computer Interaction)

Abstract Many research projects have identified three major obstacles to a broad implementation of Design for All: lack of awareness among users, designers and suppliers, technical feasibility and commercial viability. Mainstream manufactures do not have a detailed understanding of the needs of people with disabilities. This paper presents an approach to use standards-based Virtual User […]