Updating an Existing iTunes Installation (iPhone 4)

If you have previously installed iTunes on your computer, you should check for an updated version. Follow these steps to update your iTunes software:

NOTE: You will need iTunes version 9.2 or higher to sync with your iPhone. Next, we will show you how to make sure you have the most up-to-date version of iTunes on your computer.

1. Start the iTunes software.

2. Go to the Help menu (on your PC) or iTunes app (the leftmost menu on the Mac) and then select Check for Updates.

3. If you are not using the latest version, then you will see a screen similar to the one shown to the right.


4. Click Download iTunes to be taken to the Apple Software Update screen (see Figure 30-62).

5. On the Apple Software Update screen, make sure the iTunes selection is checked. Next, uncheck any software you do not want to install and click the Install button in the lower right corner.

The Apple Software Update screen

Figure 30-62. The Apple Software Update screen

6. You will then need to accept the Apple License Agreement by clicking Next and Accept for the software update to start downloading (see Figure 30-63).

The Apple Software Update download status screen

Figure 30-63. The Apple Software Update download status screen

TIP: The software downloads can be 50 megabytes (MB) or more in size. We highly recommend performing the software downloads and updates from a high-speed Internet connection.

If everything goes smoothly, your iTunes app and related software should be automatically updated with the latest versions.

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