Distance Learning

Building an Interactive E-Lab (Distance Learning)

INTRODUCTION There has been an increasing emphasis on enhancing students’ practical experience acquiring from the higher education, focusing not only on the development of academic and intellectual capabilities and subject knowledge, but also on the development of skills to equip students for employability. A practical training system that allows instruments to be monitored and controlled […]

The Case for Open Education Resources Distance and Distributed Education to Support the Growing Knowledge Economy in India

INTRODUCTION In the new developing economies interest in distance education and in particular, in online distance education, is increasing. (Daniels, J, West P. 2006). In India, this trend is evident in the proliferation of foreign and domestic institutions, public and private, becoming the new “providers” of online digitally delivered education. This proliferation should not be […]

A Case Study Exploring Quality Standards for Quality E-Learning (Distance Learning)

INTRODUCTION In order to satisfy the needs of growing numbers of adult learners, the availability of well-designed, effectively implemented, and efficiently delivered online courses is essential (MacDonald, Stodel & Casimiro, 2006; Palloff & Pratt, 2001). Despite the demand and prevalence of e-learning, there are still concerns regarding the quality and effectiveness of education offered online […]

Challenges for E-Learning and Adult Students in Higher Education (Distance Learning)

introduction The development and promotion of the strategic goal of the European Union to become a competitive and dynamic knowledge-based economy and society (Lisbon European Council, 2000) can only be achieved with the relevant technological infrastructures together with people equipped with the necessary skills and competences (European Commission, 2002). As stated in the European Council […]

Challenges and Opportunities of Computer-Based Learning for Senior Citizens (Distance Learning)

INTRODUCTION This entry starts with an argument on how computer-based learning (CBL) can benefit senior citizens, then reviews the effects of aging on CBL. It finally discusses how the CBL material should be designed for senior citizens to facilitate their learning experience. COMPUTER-BASED LEARNING FOR SENIOR CITIZENS The European Union (EU) in its recent communication […]

Challenges and Issues of Teaching Online (Distance Learning)

INTRODUCTION AND BACKGROUND Teaching and learning in the 21st century not only utilizes various technologies, but also takes place any time and any place. During the last decade, higher education institutions equipped many of their classrooms with the latest computer hardware and software applications and trained their faculty and staff to use the technology. With […]

The Changing Role of Faculty (Distance Learning)

INTRODUCTION The role of faculty within traditional teaching institutions worldwide has always been multidimensional, involving administrative duties, research responsibilities, and a commitment to community service in addition to teaching. In the majority of institutions, this teaching role of faculty has remained unchanged for decades. In fact, most faculty teach the way they themselves were taught […]

Challenges of Change Management in E-Learning (Distance Learning)

INTRODUCTION Higher Education, usually very slow in adopting changes, has become, in recent years, more receptive to them due to such external factors as expansion of the Internet, emergence of a new student body, and continued decline in government subsidies (Forlkers, 2005). E-learning is defined as the transmission of knowledge whereby the instructor and/or the […]

A Checklist for a New Millennium School Science Department (Distance Learning)

My focus is both narrow and incomplete, for it is limited to a single area of learning: science, and it is in the form of a working list, a beginning of things one might write down, not in any particular order—so that they might be remembered and edited over time, with colleagues. Improving schools, teacher […]

Classroom Critical Incidents (Distance Learning)

INTRODUCTION Evaluating the quality and effectiveness of user interaction in networked collaborative systems is difficult. There is more than one user, and often the users are not physically proximal. The “session” to be evaluated cannot be comprehensively observed or monitored at any single display, keyboard, or processor. It is typical that none of the human […]