Distance Learning

Cognitive Apprenticeship and Writing in Distance and Online Learning

INTRODUCTION As online learning has matured, it has increasingly used Web-based technologies to support communication and interactions among participants (e.g. students, instructors, and mentors) in addition to content delivery. Many online learning experiences depend heavily on text-based interactions to support learning, practice, and assessment activities. Threaded discussions forums are particularly useful learning activities, as is […]

Cognitive Profiling in Life-Long Learning (Distance Learning)

Introduction Statistics indicate that the information stored in the world doubles every 2.8 years (Keegan, 2000). The problem every country faces now is not how to create more information, but how to locate and utilise the available information. This amazing phenomenon brings on the dawn of a so-called knowledge economy within which market transactions are […]

Cognitive Approaches to Understanding the Challenge of Learning by Means of Computers and Personal Digital Assistants (PDAs) (Distance Learning)

INTRODUCTION Increased motivation amongst pupils has been readily observed in schools when they are allowed to use computers and other forms of information and communications technology (ICT) (Cox, 1997; Denning, 1997; Wishart & Blease, 1999). In fact, Denning (1997) reports almost universal enthusiasm amongst students for the use of ICT to support their work in […]

Collaboration in Online Communications (Distance Learning)

introduction Collaboration and cooperation have become firmly established as teaching methods in face-to-face classes (e.g., Johnson, Johnson, & Smith, 1998). They are also rapidly becoming widespread in online teaching and learning in both hybrid (mixed traditional and online) course and distance courses. The methods are likely to be most effective if they are firmly grounded […]

Collaboration Among Multicultural Virtual Teams (Distance Learning)

Introduction Due to the increasingly widespread use of various information and communication technologies (ICT), individuals from different countries and cultures are able to learn and work collaboratively in virtual environments (Mowshowitz, 1997). Electronic communication tools, such as chat, e-mail, and the World Wide Web, now make it possible for students and employees to communicate and […]

Collaborative Learning Technologies (Distance Learning)

introduction Three basic categories of technologies are effective for extending collaborative learning beyond traditional face-to-face interactions to online learning and distance education: 1. Group support systems (GSS) 2. Collaboratories 3. Integrated learning environments. Although some of the collaborative learning technologies can be used without the Web, the Internet and World Wide Web provide the scalable […]

Collaborative Learning in a Contribution-Oriented Pedagogy (Distance Learning)

introduction Collaborative learning is a specific approach within the broader context of pedagogy. Collaborative learning encourages student participation via peer interaction in the learning process. It encompasses a set of approaches to education, sometimes also called cooperative learning or small-group learning (NISE, 1997; Collis, 1994). Collaborative learning creates an environment “that involves students in doing […]

Collaborative and Cooperative Learning (Distance Learning)

introduction and background The last few years have seen massive changes in how undergraduate and postgraduate courses are delivered. It is now expected that much, or perhaps all, of the course content will be made available online. This change to online Web-based forms of delivery would seem to provide the ideal circumstances for non-traditional methods […]

Communication and Media Theory (Distance Learning)

Communications theory dates to the Greek philosophers Plato and Aristotle, but became a recognized academic field in the 1940s during World War II (Newby, Stepich, Lehman, & Russell, 1996). Media theorists have analyzed the development of new media and how they are connected to broader social evolution. These theories are useful to examine in regard […]

Communicating Across Boundaries (Distance Learning)

introduction Directing a Technology Innovation Challenge Grant as well as a Preparing Tomorrow’s Teachers to Use Technology (PT3) Project, plus 35 years of experience in student and teacher education has led me to conclude that teachers need know-how in communicating across boundaries. These boundaries can be found, for example, between teachers and students, teachers and […]