Keith’s Brewery, Halifax, Nova Scotia (Haunted Place)

Keith’s Brewery

1496 Lower Street Halifax, Nova Scotia

Scotsman Alexander Keith purchased a local brewery in 1820 shortly after immigrating to Halifax, Nova Scotia, and over the years, he established a reputation for fine beer and a keen sense of business.


Keith was a remarkable man—among his distinctions, he was twice mayor of Halifax, a president of the provincial Legislative Council, a director of the Bank of Nova Scotia, and a Grand Master of the Freemasons. But locals knew him best for his hospitality. He loved his beer and the art of brewing; so much so that he built his home (which still exists on Hollis Street, Halifax) next to his brewery. On top of that, he had a tunnel built from his home to the brewery so that he could visit it and inspect the operations at any time, night or day.

After 50 years of business and community activities, he died at 78. And while he lies buried in the local Camp Hill Cemetery, many believe his spirit never left the brewery. On rare evenings, visitors to Keith’s Brewery (still in operation) have sensed a spirit lurking in the recessed rooms, tunnels, and hallways of the brewery.

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