
I Need to Take Diet Pills (Prediabetes)

In topic 18, which is all about medications for prediabetes, I say absolutely nothing about diet pills. The reason is that for the most part, they are worthless. Only a few drugs are authorized by the FDA for weight loss, and they have little value. Here are some of the problems with the available weight […]

A Week at a Health Spa Is All I Need (Prediabetes)

Miracles do not occur at health spas. You can’t take an individual who is significantly overweight and turn him into a slim and trim person. The person took years to get into that state, and he needs at least months (maybe even a year or more) to reverse the situation. I am not against going […]

Exercise Is Dangerous for Me (Prediabetes)

On the contrary. As topic 17 conclusively proves, exercise can turn pre-diabetes into normal metabolism. Assuming that you are reasonably healthy (and that if you are starting an exercise program over age 40 you have checked with your doctor), there is no limitation to the amount of exercise you can do. I am not suggesting […]

Vitamins and Other Supplements Can Help Me (Prediabetes)

I spend much of topic 18 destroying this myth. The number of so-called health enhancers is becoming enormous. One of the unfortunate effects of the Internet is to provide a huge space on which the purveyors of quackery can try to convince you to buy their products. Based on the story of one person who […]

I Can't Eat Anything Fun (Prediabetes)

If you’ve read topic 16, I hope you’ve changed you mind about this one. If you haven’t read it yet, I highly recommend it. The recipes in that topic are as good as anything from any fine restaurant, and they are all good for you. Some food items, like luncheon meats and foods full of […]

I Have to Get Thin to Be Healthy (Prediabetes)

If you are currently overweight or obese, it’s unlikely that you will ever become thin. All I ask of you is that you lose enough weight so that you don’t have to worry about developing diabetes if you are prediabetic. If you already have type 2 diabetes, you may need to lose a little more. […]

I Have Borderline Diabetes (Prediabetes)

There is no such thing as borderline diabetes. For that matter, you do not just have “a little sugar.” As I explain in topic 1, diabetes, prediabetes, and the normal state are all well-defined by lab results: Normal: A normal fasting blood glucose test result is less than 100 mg/dl, and a normal blood glucose […]

My Biggest Problem Is Elevated Blood Sugars (Prediabetes)

Prediabetes is defined by the elevated blood glucose. It would be great if that was the only problem occurring in your body. But an abnormal blood glucose is often secondary to obesity, and a lot more is probably happening that you can’t see. For example: Your blood pressure may be elevated. Your blood cholesterol may […]

Applauding Your Accomplishments (Prediabetes)

If you follow this plan closely, you will accomplish many of the following goals by the end of three months: You will lose between 10 and 15 pounds. You will reduce your waistline by1 to 2 inches, most of which is the visceral fat that leads to coronary artery disease. You will significantly increase your […]

The Part of Tens (Prediabetes)

In this part . . . This part is an opportunity to give you some key tools for eliminating prediabetes. First, I expose and rebut some common myths about prediabetes. Next, I offer more than ten staples to keep in your kitchen so that you are always ready to cook and eat the right thing. […]