
Ten Myths about Prediabetes

In This Topic – Understanding the true nature of prediabetes – Realizing the value of exercise – Making lifestyle changes Enlisting the help of others Like all conditions that affect more than 50 million people, prediabetes is bound to be associated with a lot of myths. Think of it like that old childhood game of […]

Following the Plan (Prediabetes)

You need to learn to walk before you can run. The first month is meant to get you revved up so you can go full speed in month two. There are three elements to the change you are making: the food you are eating, the exercise you are doing, and the behavioral change you are […]

Putting Your Knowledge to Work: A Healthier You in Three Months (Prediabetes)

In This Topic ► Setting the stage for success ► Following the weekly program ► Recognizing your achievements If you have read the previous topics in this topic, you know the possible If you have read the previous topics in this topic, you know the possible consequences if you let prediabetes turn into diabetes. I […]

Getting Ready to Change (Prediabetes)

You need to do a few things to get ready to start this program: ‘ Let your family know what you are doing. ‘ Buy a pedometer, two 5-pound weights, and two 10-pound weights. Get rid of the foods in your house that contain the ingredients that make weight control difficult: soft drinks, foods with […]

Preparing for Surgery (Prediabetes)

Any kind of surgery is more successful if you can prepare for it. Luckily, because weight loss surgery is elective, you can schedule it to allow enough time to get yourself ready. Here’s how. Getting ready mentally and physically Much needs to be done before you get on the table and turn your stomach into […]

Thinking about Surgery for an Obese Child or Adolescent (Prediabetes)

Obesity in children has greatly increased in the last few decades. In the United States, the percentage of children who are obese has increased from 4 percent in 1971 to 15 percent in 2007. In 2008, 4 percent of children were considered to meet the criteria for extreme obesity (meaning they had a body mass […]

Choosing the Right Surgeon (Prediabetes)

The right surgeon can make the difference between a complication-free surgery and smooth recovery (with positive results) and a difficult surgery filled with complications followed by inadequate weight loss (and possibly even a second operation). In this section, I show you how to go about finding the right surgeon. Figuring out your options Often your […]

Picking the Right Kind of Surgery (Prediabetes)

The two major choices for weight loss surgery are gastric bypass and adjustable gastric banding. I explain each in this section. In either case, the surgery should be done using a laparoscope, a small tube that enters the abdomen, requiring only a small opening. Rarely, a patient will not be able to have the surgery […]

Deciding That Diet and Exercise Are Not Enough (Prediabetes)

A number of benefits are associated with weight loss surgery, but not everyone who suffers from sickness associated with obesity is a candidate. Realizing the possible benefits of surgery Weight loss surgery reverses or greatly improves a number of conditions that are a consequence of obesity. The benefits may include: Reversal of prediabetes to normal […]

Researching Supplement Claims (Prediabetes)

Any time you have a disease that affects millions of people, you are bound to hear claims that the absence of a certain micronutrient is the cause of the disease. Therefore, you hear claims that a certain supplement can cure the disease. Because prediabetes affects so many people, you’ll likely hear a huge number of […]