In 1927, the Austrian Eduard Haas introduced the Pfefferminze as a breath mint for smokers. It was composed of peppermint oil and sugar. When the candy was introduced into the United States, sales were dismal. In 1948, the first version of the PEZ dispenser was released; it was designed to look like a cigarette lighter. By 1952, the dispenser was improved and new images were incorporated into its design. It ejected candy from the heads of cartoon characters, such as those of Goofy or Popeye. PEZ was targeted at children and it was a hit.
PEZ Candy, Inc. is a private company based in Orange, Connecticut. Since 1960, McKeesport Candy Company of McKeesport, Pennsylvania, has been the distributor of PEZ dispensers. PEZ memorabilia are considered important collectibles, many of which are displayed at The Museum of PEZ Memorabilia in Burlingame, California. PEZ candies made a cameo appearance in the 1981 blockbuster movie, ET, The Extra-Terrestrial.

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