The Oxford Saloon & Eatery, Snohomish, Washington (Haunted Place)

The Oxford Saloon & Eatery

913 First Street Snohomish, Washington 98290

Tel: 1 (360) 568-3845


The Oxford Saloon & Eatery, established in 1910, is one of the oldest restored saloons in the Northwest. Housed in the Oxford Building (built in 1889 as Blackman Dry Goods Store), this fine old place, totally restored in 1992, has the look and feel of an 1880s saloon. There are two floors with original and restored fixtures of the period throughout. The main floor still has the original large, oak back bar.

Now serving fine food and drink, this historic saloon once served the local logger population and was a haven for gambling and the services of local ladies of the night on the second floor.

The Oxford is reputed to be home to no less than eight of its past visitors. Kathleen, the Madame of the upstairs brothel, and Henry, the ghost of a policeman who met his fate by being stabbed in the lower-floor gambling parlor, are two of the more prominent ghosts often making an appearance.

Incidents recorded by the staff have included full-body apparitions, scents of lavender perfume, and continued movement of objects. In at least one case, the apparitions have been so disturbing that one of the cooks refused to venture downstairs alone to retrieve supplies for meals.

The ladies’ bathroom is reportedly occupied on occasion by at least one resident spirit who enjoys playing pranks with the customers, and the dance floor often attracts the attention of one of the ghostly patrons who has been known to pinch the rear ends of some of the ladies.

An investigation by the Washington State Ghost Society resulted in a number of EVP recordings, strange photographic phenomena, and unaccounted-for EMF meter readings that were exceptionally high. Both unexplained cold and hot spots were noticed by the researchers during an all-night investigation.

A medium in attendance with the group conducted a seance and stated that the second floor, in particular, still retains the oppressive energies of the ladies who worked in the brothel. While now an antique shop, the second floor has been home to a haunted doll, which has been said to be responsible for a variety of strange phenomena that continue to occur in the shop.

The Oxford has been investigated by numerous paranormal groups in the state and by a number of psychics. It has been featured in local television programs and is perhaps one of the most haunted locations in Washington State.

While it features a menu of fine food and music on one of the most haunted avenues in the state, First Street, in Snohomish, Washington, it attracts many customers in search of one of the many long-deceased visitors to this beautiful old saloon.

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