Travel Reference
In-Depth Information
What type of social issues are long-haul traveller s sometimes confronted with in destinations?
List 6 of the world's natural attractions that are popular with long-haul tourists.
Name 6 built attractions in the USA that appeal to Br i tish visitors.
List 8 items that should be included in an itinerary for a l o n g -haul tour.
Name 3 cultural destinations that are popular with long-haul tr a vellers from the UK.
List 6 long-haul cities that appeal to UK tourists.
Name 4 Caribbean Islands that specialise in weddings and honeymoon trips.
Name 3 UK tour operators that offer holidays to Florida.
What are time zones and how do they affect travellers?
Name 3 UK tour operators that offer activity holidays in New Zealand.
Long-haul Travel De st inations
This assignment is made up of a number of tasks which, when successfully completed, are designed to give
you suffi cient evidence to meet the Pass (P), Merit (M) an d Distinction (D) grading criteria for the unit. If you
have carried out the activities and read the case studies throughout this unit, you will already have done a
lot of work towards completing the tasks for this assignment .
After fi nishing your BTEC National course, you've been given the chance to work for a small tour operator
specialising in holidays to long-haul destinations. You have joined on a tri a l basis to see if tour operating is
a career that you would like to follow.
Task 1
The company would like to test your knowledge of travel geography, especially lon g -haul travel destinations
visited by British people. You have been given two blank maps of the world and must locate on the fi rst
one the following continents - Asia, North America, South America, Africa and Austr al asia. On the second
map you must identify and locate accurately fi ve destinations on each continent that attract visitors from
the UK. Ideally, there should be one of each type of destination per continent, i.e. city, coastal/beach,
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