Travel Reference
In-Depth Information
Cultural dif erences
As well as language differences, it is important for
tourist businesses to appreciate that visitors from
overseas may have very different customs and
traditions to our own. Without an understanding of
cultural differences and needs, it is all too easy to
offend people unknowingly. Overseas visitors may
follow different religious codes, eat different foods
and use a variety of different gestures when greeting
people. The Welcome International courses mentioned
in the previous section go some way towards raising
awareness among staff of cultural differences and how
to respond in particular situations.
Part of the market intelligence work carried out by
VisitBritain is detailed research into the characteristics
of overseas visitors who visit the UK. The following case
study uses information from VisitBritain to investigate
the specifi c needs of visitors from two overseas
destinations - Japan and France.
Britain is very popular with tourists from the Far East
Understanding cultural dif erences of overseas
visitors to the UK
Japanese visitors to the UK
The Japanese are discerning and demanding custom e rs. A little extra attention can make a difference, for
example a bar tariff available in Japanese, a speedy gr o up check-in, etc. Cultural differences and language
barriers make it diffi cult for them to complain or ask for i mproved service. However, when they return to
Japan, they will tell their friends and family, and the tour o r ganiser will be contacted and complaints made.
Language and information issues
Japanese language is a must - literature, instructions, guides an d travel information either online or
offl ine;
Safety - Japanese travellers are very sensitive to safety issues;
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