If you’re a container gardener, special tools—in many respects scaled-down versions of regular garden tools—are available for your use.

Hand cultivator.

A hand cultivator helps you control weeds. One type has three prongs. The pickax kind has one single-pointed end and a double point on the other end. Choose whatever type you like best.

Hand hoe

This has a shorter handle and a smaller blade than a regular garden hoe.


No container gardener should be without a trowel—it’s even more useful here than in a full-size garden for filling containers, transplanting, dividing clumps of plants, and leveling soil.

Watering equipment.

A watering wand makes it easier to reach the less accessible corners of your container garden. The wand is a hollow metal tube that attaches to the end of your hose, and it lets you water the back rows of your container garden without reaching over and possibly crushing the front rows. If you’re an indoor gardener, you will also make good use of a small watering can, and a spray-mister to freshen foliage. Any household spray bottle makes a good mister, provided it is thoroughly washed out first.

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