Chest pain (Treatment of Pain with Chinese Herbs and Acupuncture) Part 5


PC-6 Neiguan, CV-17 Tanzhong, BL-14 Jueyinshu,BL-15 Xinghu, BL-17 Geshu, BL-23 Shenshu, CV-4 Guanyuan and CV-6 Qihai. Even method is used on hese points.


•    PC-6, the Connecting point and the Confluence point, regulates the Qi and Blood of the Heart and stops the pain in the chest.

•    CV-17, the Gathering point for the Qi, disperses the Qi and unblocks the chest so as to stop pain.

•    BL-14, BL-15 and BL-17 tonify and regulate the Blood of the Heart, calm the Mind and treat the chest pain.

•    BL-23, CV-4 and CV-6 can tonify the Kidney and strengthen the Qi and Blood so as to strengthen the Yang in the chest.


1.    If there is deficiency of Spleen-Qi, add ST-36 and SP-6 to activate the Spleen and tonify the Qi and Blood.

2.    If there is restlessness and palpitations, add BL-44 and HT-7 to calm the Mind.

3.    If there is oedema, add BL-20, ST-36 and CV-9 together with BL-23, CV-6 to reduce the oedema.



Symptoms and signs

High fever, thirst, cough with expectorate of ferruginous sputum, chest pain, shortness of breath, scanty urine, a red tongue with a dry and yellow coating and slippery, rapid and forceful pulse.

This syndrome can be seen in pneumonia and acute bronchitis.

Principle of treatment

Clear Heat, relieve Toxicity, regulate the Lung-Qi and transform Phlegm.




Ephedra, Apricot Kernel, Gypsum and Licorice Decoction nd Reed Decoction

Ma Huang Herba Ephedrae 6 g

Shi Gao Gypsum Fibrosum 30 g

Xing Ren Semen Armeniacae Amarum 9 g

Zhi Gan Cao Radix Glyeyrrhizae Praeparata 6 g

Wei Jing Rhizoma Phragmitis 30 g

Tao Ren Semen Persicae 9 g

Yi Yi Ren Semen Coicis 15 g

Dong Gua Ren Semen Benincasae 12 g


Chi Shao Radix Paeoniae Rubra 9 g Gua Lou Fructus Trichosanthis 15 g Yu Jin Radix Curcumae 12 g


• When pathogenic Heat invades the Lung and disturbs the dispersing and descending function of the Lung-Qi, the Lung-Qi is obstructed, and symptoms such as high fever, quick and shallow reathing, cough with sputum and chest pain appear.

•    Ma Huang is pungent and Hot in nature, entering the Lung channel and dispersing the Lung-Qi. Shi Gao is very pungent and Cold in nature, entering the Lung and Stomach channel; it powerfully clears Heat and relieves Toxicity so as to reduce high fever. It can cause the Lung-Qi to descend and calm the breath and, together with Ma Huang, regulate the Lung-Qi, unblock Qi obstruction in the chest and so stop the pain.

•    Shi Gao clears Heat and reduces fever.

•    Xing Ren causes the Lung-Qi to descend as well as transforming Phlegm so as to treat cough.

•    Zhi Gan Cao moderates the Hot and Cold herbs in the formula.

•    Wei Jing, Yi Yi Ren and Dong Gua Ren clear Heat from the Lung, transform Damp, and reduce cough and Phlegm.

•    Tao Ren is able to promote the Blood circulation. Gua Lou clears Phlegm-Heat obstruction in the chest, Chi Shao and Yu Jin regulate the Blood circulation and cool the Blood so as to stop bleeding. These four herbs are also used to stop the chest pain.


1.    If there is a high fever and semi-consciousness, add An Gong Niu Huang Wan Calm the Palace Pill with Cattle Gallstone (patent formula, I pill a day) to clear Heat, relieve Toxicity and unblock the Orifices.

2.    If there is a lot of blood in the sputum, add Ce Bai Ye Cacumen Biotae 12 g, Bai Mao Gen Bhizoma Imperatae 15 g to cool the Blood and stop the bleeding.

3.    If there is constipation, add Da Huang Radix et Rhizoma Rhei 6 g to clear Heat and promote bowel movement.

4.    If there is deficiency of Qi and Yin, add Sha Shen Radix Glehniae 12 g and Mai Dong Radix Ophiopogonis 15 g to tonify the Qi and the Yin.

Patent remedy

Qing Qi Hua Tan Wan Clear the Qi and Transform

Phlegm Pill


LU-5 Chize, LU-7 Lieque, LU-8 Jingqu, BL-13 Feishu,

LT-Il Quchi and GV-14 Dazhui. Reducing method is sed on these points.


•    LU-7, the Connecting point, disperses the Lung-Qi and unblocks the chest.

•    BL-13, the Back Transporting point of the Lung, regulates and strengthens the function of the Lung.

•    LU-5, the Sea point, reduces Heat from the Lung, assists BL-13 to cause the Lung-Qi to descend, transforms Phlegm and stops the chest pain.

•    LU-8, the River point, clears Heat, transforms Phlegm and stops cough and chest pain.

•    GV-14 reduces fever and expels external pathogenic Heat.


1.    If there is bloody sputum, add LU-6, the Accumulation point, and PC-8, the Spring point, to clear Heat in the Blood and stop the bleeding.

2.    If there is itching and irritation in the throat, add KI-6, in combination with LU-7, to reduce Deficient-Heat and benefit the throat.

3.    If there is constipation, add ST-25, the Front Collecting point of the Large Intestine, and CV-12, the Gathering point for the Fu organs, to promote the bowel movement.

4.    If there is a feeling of oppression in the chest, add PC-6 and LR-3 to regulate the Qi in the chest and relieve the feeling of oppression.


Symptoms and signs

Chest pain usually occurs after physical trauma on the chest, with aggravation of the pain by deep breathing or palpation; there is a normal tongue and a wiry pulse. In a chronic case, there may be tingling and numbness in the affected area, a purple tongue and a wiry and choppy pulse.

Principle of treatment

Promote the Qi and Blood circulation and stop the pain.




Fantastically Effective Pill to Invigorate the Collaterals Dang Gui Radix Angelicae Sinensis 9 g Dan Shen Radix Salviae Miltiorrhizae 9 g

Ru Xiang Resina Olibani 6 g

Mo Yao Resina Myrrhae 9 g


San Qi Radix Notoginseng powder 3 g

Chai Hu Radix Bupleuri 6 g

Zhi Qiao Fructus Aurantii 6 g


•    Trauma or chronic strain may directly obstruct the channels, so the Qi and Blood cannot circulate properly, leading to chest pain. In a chronic case, Blood stagnation exists not only in the channel but also in the collateral and sensations of tingling and numbness may appear.

•    Dang Gui and Dan Shen invigorate the Blood circulation and stop the pain.

•    Ru Xing and Mo Yao break up stagnant Blood, reduce swelling and stop the pain.

•    San Qi is an important herb for treating trauma because it not only invigorates Blood but also stops bleeding. It can also reduce swelling and stop the pain.

•    Chai Hu disperses the Liver-Qi and promotes Qi movement in the Triple Burner passage. Zhi Qiao unblocks Qi obstruction in the chest. These two herbs regulate the Qi circulation so as to assist the herbs that regulate the Blood.


1.    If there is severe pain, add Qi Li San (patent formula, 0.5 g each time, three times a day) to invigorate the Blood circulation, reduce swelling and stop the pain.

2.    If there is Blood deficiency in the chronic stage, add Huang Qi Radix Astragali seu Hedysari 12 g,

Gui Zhi Ramulus Cinnamomi 9 g, Shu Di Huang Radix Rehmanniae Praeparata 12 g and Bai Shao Radix Paeoniae Alba 12 g to tonify the Qi and Blood.

3.    If there is obstruction of the collateral by stagnant Blood, add Wang Bu Liu Xin Semen Vaeeariae 9 g, Jiang Can Bombyx Batrytieatus 9 g and Di Long Lumbrieus 9 g to open the collateral and eliminate Blood stasis.

4. In the subacute and chronic stages, some herbal lotions, plasters and tinctures can be applied to invigorate the Qi and Blood.

Patent remedies

Jin Gu Die Shang Wan Muscle and Bone Traumatic Injury ill    "

Sheng Tian Qi Fen Raw Pseudoginseng


PC-6 Neiguan, CV-17 Tanzhong, BL-17 Geshu, BL-18

Ganshu, LR-3 Taichong, LR-14 Qimen, SP-6

Sanyinjiao, SP-IO Xuehai and TE-6 Zhigou. Reducing ethod is used on these points.


•    PC-6, the Connecting point and Confluent point, regulates the Qi and Blood in the chest and stops pain.

•    CV-17, the Gathering point for the Qi, promotes the Qi circulation in the chest and stops the pain.

•    BL-18 and LR-14, the Back Transporting point and the Front Collecting point of the Liver, regulate the Blood circulation and unblock obstruction in the Heart channel.

•    BL-17, SP-IO and SP-6 are all able to invigorate the Blood circulation and stop the pain.

•    TE-6 and LR-3 regulate the Liver-Qi and the Gall Bladder to stop the chest pain.


1.    If there is severe pain, add PC-8 and CV-4 to reduce Heat in the Blood and strengthen the Qi so as to stop the pain.

2.    If there is Blood deficiency, add BL-20 and ST-36 to strengthen the Spleen and tonify the Blood.

3.    If there is an aggravation of the chest pain at night, add HT-6 and HT-5, the Accumulation points and Connecting points of the Heart channel, to invigorate the Blood circulation and eliminate Blood stasis.

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