Naacals To Nemed


Literally, “Serpents” or “Serpent People,” denoting wisdom, the spiritual/ scientific elite or missionary “brotherhood” of Mu, who traveled to India in the west and Mexico in the east, following the destruction of their oceanic homeland.


The “Great Father” of Patulan-Pa-Civan, the Quiche Mayas’ ancestral realm across the sunrise sea. Before some of its inhabitants left on their transoceanic voyage to Yucatan, he presented a power-crystal to their leader, Ballam-Qitze. This sacred stone from Patulan-Pa-Civan and the kingdom’s Atlantic location are foremost identifiable details in any description of Atlantis. “Nacxit” would appear to be an authentically Atlantean name.


The ancestor of North America’s Kato Indians. He was discovered floating on the waters of the Great Flood, clinging to the branches of a tree. Nagaitco was said to have arrived on the mainland from a distant island that no longer exists.


A Sumerian birth-goddess, personification of the primeval sea from which human life emerged. Nammu is also known to Canada’s Haida Indians as the whale upon whose back mankind first resided, until it sank beneath the waves under savage attacks from the sky. Many drowned, but some floated to the Pacific-coastal shores of British Columbia, where they became the Haidas’ ancestors. Both versions reflect the story of Mu.

Nana Buluku

Described in Yoruba and Benin folk traditions as a royal personage belonging to the “Sea Peoples” who conquered the West African kingdom of Aja around 1200 b.c. This is the same period when Egyptians on the other side of Africa were fending off invasion by warriors who Pharaoh Ramses III identically described as the Hanebu, or “Sea Peoples” from the sunken realm of Neteru (Atlantis). Nana Buluku similarly came from an Atlantic island overwhelmed by a natural catastrophe with her husband, Wulbari. Thanks in large measure to her reputation as a skilled physician, they were chosen as corulers to mitigate the worst effects of a famine ravaging Aja. But its severity was so widespread, Wulbari resigned under pressure, and discontented opposition, led by the “High Priest of the Sky,” Aido, plotted to overthrow Nana Buluku. The conspiracy was discovered before it could succeed, however, and Aido was banished with his accomplices.
The story of serious famine associated with Nana Buluku’s arrival in West Africa once again underscores its relationship with the Sea Peoples, whose appearance in the eastern Mediterranean was said to have coincided with widespread famine resulting from the global cataclysm that destroyed Atlantis in the Late Bronze Age.


Flood hero of Algonquian-speaking Indians in the Central Woodlands culture area. After retrieving the corpse of his drowned brother, Nanabush led survivors of the great flood that destroyed a former world. Among the treasures he saved was the Medewiwin ceremony, which brought his dead brother back to life. Nanabush perpetuated his world’s secrets in various Medewiwin societies of initiates among the Cree, Fox, Menomoni, Ojibwa, Ottawa, Potawatomi, and Sauk, who still preserve its arcane principles. He compares with the West African Nana Buluku.


The flood hero of South America’s Guayami Indians. Nancomala waded into the receding tide of the Deluge, where he found a water-maiden, Rutbe, whose children became ancestors of the Guayami. Here, as in so many similar traditions around the world, the survivor of some catastrophic inundation during the ancient past is revered as the progenitor of a whole people. In these universal folk memories culture-bearers from the destruction of Atlantis are strongly suggested.

Nata and Nena

In Mixtec myth, a husband and wife who were warned by the god Tezcatlipocha of a coming, world-destroying deluge. Like Shiva in the Hindu flood epics, he instructed them to build a large ship in which they could survive. When the natural catastrophe occurred, it eclipsed a former “Sun” (or Age), in which most of mankind was obliterated. But Nata and Nena rode out the tempest in their vessel, eventually coming to rest at what is now the east coast of Mexico. Disembarking, they promptly proceeded to repopulate the world in the normal fashion.
The resemblance of this pre-Conquest story to the Genesis flood is remarkable, even to comparisons between the Mixtec Nata and biblical Noah. Still closer to the Old Testament version was a Venezuelan flood hero of the Orinoco Indians, Noa.
Inca cranial remains show that head-elongation was practiced by both ancient Peruvian and Egyptial royals as a means of physically distinguishing themselves from others missing an Atlantean heritage.
Inca cranial remains show that head-elongation was practiced by both ancient Peruvian and Egyptial royals as a means of physically distinguishing themselves from others missing an Atlantean heritage.


An Atlantean princess, who befriended Odysseus, the shipwrecked Greek war veteran in Homer’s epic. A variation of her myth has her leaving Phaeacia, the Homeric Atlantis, a few years before its destruction, to marry Telemachus, Odysseus’ son.

Navaho Child Initiation Ceremony

It featured a masked figure wearing a red wig and horned helmet, accompanied by a woman, her face painted white. She portrayed the man’s wife. Both were supposed to represent the couple which survived the Great Flood, as a reminder of the child’s ancestral origins. The Atlantean and racially alien implications of the Navaho Child Initiation Ceremony are self-evident.

Navel of the World

The original and most important mystery religion of Atlantis, at least some of its rituals, such as initiation, were performed in selected caves representing Mother Earth’s womb. The name, “Navel of the World,” appears to not only refer directly to its central spiritual tenet, but was also an early title by which Atlantis itself was known; modern parallels are Chicago as “the Windy City,” a characterization of its loquacious politicians; New York as “the Big Apple,” representing ultimate material success; Paris as “the City of Lights,” for its bright gaiety, and so forth. The leading cult-object of The Navel of the World was a large, egg-shaped stone, known to Greeks as the Omphalos. The Navel of the World emphasized inner illumination through spiritual experience, such as religious drama, in which actors convincingly impersonated the gods, and other theatrical devices were used to convince initiates that life was eternal, death but a momentary transition, not annihilation.
With the destruction of Atlantis, practitioners reestablished themselves at various, new centers in many other lands. Each of the different locations wherein they headquartered the cult were known as Navels of the World. These included the Aegean island of Delos, the Greek Delphi, Rome, Jerusalem, in the Azores (Homer’s Ogygia, the “Navel of the Sea”), the Incas’ Cuzco (Peru), Easter Island in the Eastern Pacific, and so on—wherever the Atlantean survivors resettled. Their mystery religion fundamentally influenced Hinduism, Tibetan Buddhism, even early Christian mysticism, primarily through belief in the eternity of the human soul, never in a static form, but through recurring cycles exemplified in nature’s seasonal changes, a concept that resulted in the doctrine of reincarnation.
The purest survival of The Navel of the World religion was preserved in the Eleusian Mysteries.


A splendid island kingdom which perished in the sea during the deep past after its survivors sailed to Sri Lanka. Tamil culture traces its origins back to these immigrants, survivors from the lost Pacific civilization of Mu.

Nefydd Naf Neifion

A young prince who saved his royal family from a great flood that sank their realm under the Atlantic Ocean in the distant past. He led them to Wales, where they established a new kingdom, the first in the land. Nefydd Naf Neifion is the local memory of culture-bearers from Atlantis arriving at the end of the Late Bronze Age.


Very ancient, possibly pre-dynastic Egyptian goddess, at whose Nile Delta temple in Sais the history of Atlantis was inscribed on memorial pillars. She was, in fact, worshiped as the oldest of all deities. One of her titles, Tehenut (“Of Libya”), according to Imel, “suggests a Western origin.” Although Plato only mentions Neith in passing, the preservation of Atlantean records at her temple was appropriate in many respects.
While never entirely forgotten, her worship over the centuries had declined almost to nothing until it was spectacularly revived during the XXVI Dynasty, when Neith’s city was elevated to the capital of Egypt. Pharaohs like Psamtik and Ahmose were leading a national revival after generations of neglect. To reassert their country’s ancient greatness, they reopened and remodeled old temples to restore general respect and enthusiasm for Egyptian heritage. Everything important from the past was resurrected and honored. It was during this cultural house-cleaning that the Atlantis story was either installed with prominence at Egypt’s most important temple, or dusted off where it had been kept for at least eight hundred years. Coincidentally, Solon, the Greek legislator on holiday along the Nile, visited the Temple of Neith. There he learned the account first-hand from Psonchis, the high priest.
Among her numerous godly duties, Neith was the divine patroness of history and prophesy, as indicated by the words inscribed on the wall of her temple: “I am all that has been, that is and that will be.” In sacred art, she was symbolized by a cow in the company of 19 stars. These were the Atlantises, or daughters of Atlas: the seven he had by Pleione, the Pleiades; another seven, the Hesperides; and five by Arethusa, the Hyades. Her cow form was also known as Meh-urt, literally, “the Great Flood.”


Described by the Sumerian scholar Neil Zimmerer as “a grandson of Noah,” leader of the eponymous Nemedians, survivors from the 17th-century b.c. cataclysm that almost destroyed Atlantis. He led his followers to Ireland, where they were opposed by the resident Fomorach, themselves descended from Atlantis. The Nemedians were defeated, but allowed to remain, so long as they paid an onerous annual tribute to their conquerors. Eventually, Nemed staged a bloody rebellion, seizing the Formorach stronghold of Tor Conaind. Losses were so heavy, however, the Nemedians lost their tribal identity and faded into the resident population.

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