Digital Sculpting with Mudbox

Sculpting the Head and Face (Sculpting a Figure) (Digital Sculpting with Mudbox)

In this section of the tutorial, you may either sculpt the creature seen in the figures or sculpt a head and face of your own design. If you want to try the latter option, take time now to work out the design for your version of the head and face. There is plenty of opportunity […]

Refining the Model (Sculpting a Figure) (Digital Sculpting with Mudbox)

The main muscle masses of the torso, upper body, the upper limbs, and hands were sculpted at subdivision level 2. The model was then subdivided to level 3 and the muscle masses of the lower limb and feet and then the head and face were sculpted. Now that the model is at a higher resolution, […]

Final Details (Sculpting a Figure) (Digital Sculpting with Mudbox)

At this point, the figure is almost complete, and the last few things to be done are adding final details such as surface veins and more skin details. An important decision has to be made as to whether some of these fine details should be sculpted or instead be simulated with bump maps. As you […]

UV Mapping (Painting Sculptures) (Digital Sculpting with Mudbox)

In addition to a comprehensive sculpting toolset, Mudbox also features a professional three-dimensional (3D) paint system. In 3D painting, colors and textures are directly applied to the surface of a 3D model in real time. 3D painting in Mudbox is intuitive, easy to use, and analogous to how real-word objects are painted. In this topic, […]

The Paint Tools (Painting Sculptures) (Digital Sculpting with Mudbox)

The Mudbox paint tools consist of eight brushes (Figure 5.4). The Paint Brush, Airbrush, Pencil, and Dry Brush comprise the brushes that apply colors or textures by directly brushing on the model. The Paint Brush and the Airbrush are similar but the Airbrush applies a feathered and less opaque brush stroke. The Pencil applies an […]

Paint Layers (Painting Sculptures) (Digital Sculpting with Mudbox)

In Mudbox, painting is done in paint layers, much the same way as in image-editing programs like Photoshop or Painter. Layers, sometimes referred to as channels, organize and manage paint and texture data in several ways. First, different types of texture data is organized in distinct layer types. For instance, color information is maintained in […]

Painting the Creature (Painting Sculptures) (Digital Sculpting with Mudbox)

The instructions in the tutorial are a general guide to painting the textures. As with the sculpting tutorials, once you feel comfortable working with those paint tools and paint layers, you are encouraged to experiment with brush and layer settings and to develop your own texture designs. Getting Started Go to the Sculpt Layers and […]

Viewport Rendering (Painting Sculptures) (Digital Sculpting with Mudbox)

Mudbox features real-time view port rendering, which previews models under different lighting and rendering conditions. To experiment with Mudbox’s viewport rendering, click on the Viewport Filters tab. Click on the box next to the Tonemapper to turn it on. The Tonemapper manages the brightness in the scene, the tonal range, and glare effects. Adjust the […]

Normal Maps (Creating Displacement Maps) (Digital Sculpting with Mudbox)

By working through the tutorials in previous topics, you have learned that it is simple to create very detailed sculptures in Mudbox. However, to achieve high-resolution detail, sculptures may consist of millions, if not tens of millions, of polygons. And while it is possible to export the high-resolution sculptures through Mudbox’s FBX and OBJ exporters, […]

Displacement Maps (Creating Displacement Maps) (Digital Sculpting with Mudbox)

Unlike bump and normal maps, displacement maps actually change the geometry of a model. So, the silhouette of a model with a displacement map reflects that data in the displacement map. The amount of displacement is modulated by the gray scale data in the displacement map in which black and dark grays represent low areas […]