Geoscience Reference
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Fig. 9 Healing CS_SELFINT error
Fig. 10 Healing complex
segment is below the tolerance). Furthermore each intersection is classified by
its type: partially embedded edge, fully embedded edge, partially embedded
polygons, fully embedded polygon, normal intersection and undefined intersec-
tion. In Fig. 9 for partially and fully embedded and edge errors like A and B over-
lapping edge (P 1 , P 3 ) and edge (P 2 , P 4 ) are merged into 3 edges (P 1 , P 2 ) (P 2 , P 3 )
and (P 3 , P 4 ) and the pointlists of respective polygons are rearranged like H. And
for partially embedded polygon errors like Y the overlapping regions are trimmed
out from the overlapped polygons and new polygons are created from the over-
lapping regions like R. For fully embedded polygon errors like X the overlapping
region is only trimmed out from the bigger polygon.
For a normal intersection like Fig. 10 healing doesn't brings a valid result. If the
intersecting polygons are split into multiple polygons an overused edge error occurs
which is very difficult to heal. But still it solves the issue with self-intersection.
CS_OUTEREDGE : Every edge of a solid will bound exactly two polygons.
Any edge of the solid bounding less causes incorrect number of polygons with
edge error and there is a hole somewhere in the solid. Firstly all the error edges are
searched for loops. And new polygons are formed with the newly found loops. The
incomplete parts of the loop are left out without healing.
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