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Fig. 6. (a) Adding v 7 which has only one predecessor butright support. (b) The final straight-line
drawing produced by the modified de Fraysseix-Pach-Pollack algorithm.
only outline the approach here: during every step k ,thealgorithm maintains a straight-
line drawing for the already placed vertices, v 1 ,...,v k− 1 of the biconnected canonical
ordering. Similar to the original algorithm, they maintain for the contouroftheouter
face of G k− 1 the property that it consists only of segments with slopes +1 or
Adding anewvertex v k with leftmost neighbor c l and rightmost neighbor c r in G k− 1
results in a stretch of the drawing such that the edges ( v k ,c l ) and ( v k ,c r ) have slope +1
= c r . In the other case, where
c l = c r holds, i.e., v k has only one predecessor, say u = c l = c r , one has to decide if v k
is placed to the right or to the left of u . Harel and Sardas [9] introduce for those vertices
the property of having left or rightsupport . Their orderingguarantees that either the
successor or predecessor of v k in the clockwise ordering around u has already been
placed. Since ˀ has by definition the same property, we may proceed similar. Avoiding
sub cases, we always try to place v k to the left, i.e., choosing anew c l such that c l is the
predecessor of u = c r on the contourof G k− 1 . However, in the case where there exists
a w that precedes v k in S ( u ) and for which ˀ ( w ) ( v k ) holds, we have to place v k to
the right by choosing c l = u and c r to be the successor of u on the contour. Figure 6b
shows an example generated by our implementation. Notice that in difference to the
ordering as proposed in [9], in an st -ordering every vertex except of t has a successor,
hence the faces of the drawing are y-monotone.
Next, we turn our attention to the second application: contact representations using
rectilinear T-shaped polygons. Alam et al. [1] recently used these as an intermediate step
to create cartograms. The idea is to represent a planar graph by touching sides of simple
interior-disjoint polygons, in this case upside-down oriented T-shaped polygons. Their
approach employs Schnyder realizer and their close relationship to canonical orderings.
For more details see [1]. However, we choose a different approach and consider instead
a special visibility representation of G .Weassume that the reader is familiar with the
basics of visibility representations. For an introduction, see e.g.[4].Thecommonwayto
obtain such a visibility representation can be summarized as follows: The y-coordinates
y ( v ) of the horizontal segments that represent the vertices v
1, respectively. Of course, this works only for c l
V of G are computed
by an optimal topological ordering of a planar st -graph induced by an st -ordering.For
the x-coordinate x ( e ) of a vertical segment that represents an edge e
E ,thesame
procedure is repeated butonthedual planar st -graph. We skip the first step and choose
ˀ itself for the y-coordinates, i.e., y ( v )= ˀ ( v ).Asaresult every vertex has now its own
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