Travel Reference
In-Depth Information
Cerro de la Cruz and vividly depicting the Conquest of the Desert, Mapuche Legends,
Christian themes and indigenous history.
Trout Fishing FISHING
(AR$75/250/350 per day/week/season) The area around Junín is prime country for trout
fishing, and the Río Aluminé, north of Junín, is an especially choice area. Catch-and-re-
lease is obligatory. Fishing permits are available through the tourist office.
(Felix San Martín 415;
9am-1pm & 3-6pm) Rents mountain bikes for AR$20/100 per hour/
Picurú Turismo TOUR
( 02792-492829; ; Coronel Suárez 371; 9am-6pm Mon-Fri, 9am-1pm
& 4-7pm Sat) Recommended tour operator for trips into Parque Nacional Lanín and tours
of Mapuche communities.
Festivals & Events
In January the Feria y Exposición Ganadera displays the best of local cattle, horses,
sheep, poultry and rabbits. There are also exhibitions of horsemanship, as well as local
crafts exhibits, but this is the estanciero's ( estancia owner's) show.
In July, the Mapuche celebrate their crafts skills with the Semana de Artesanía -
Aborígen .
The National Trout Festival takes place in November.
High season coincides with fishing season (November through April); during low season,
prices are lower than those that are quoted here.
Tromen Hostel HOSTEL $
( 02972-491498; ; Lonquimay 195; dm/d AR$60/180; ) Junin's
coziest hostel is set in a converted family home at the southern end of town. Double
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