Agriculture Reference
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Apparently from Table 2.2 , the relation of carbon to nitrogen which is the most im-
portant parameter of quality compost, has values 19-25 for manure of various kinds
of poultry and rabbits, for pigs and ruminants higher parameters are characteristic:
34-44, i.e., the smaller contents of amount of nitrogen. However these parameters
below parameters of relation С:N at other kinds of organic waste which can achieve
the values 50-60 and even 200-300 at lignine cellulose materials.
The amount of organic substances (ОS), containing in manure of a horse, the
cow, a pig, a sheep, a goat, the rabbit, chickens and an ostrich, the general con-
tents of carbon (CC), total of nitrogen (CN), ratio С :N CN , amount of soluble or-
ganic carbon (SОC), amount of organic nitrogen (AОN), a ratio of carbohydrates
to AON, carbon of ulmification acids (CUA), carbon fulvo acids (CFA), an index
of ulmification (С CUA 100), relation of С CUA CFA and a ratio of nitrogen NH 4 + /
NO 3 is certain (Logsdon 1993 ). An unduly high content of water in manure in some
cases prevents effective composting firm dry substances (Lopez-Aranda et al. 2002 ;
Guanzon and Holmer 2003 ). However, on occassion, this lack can be eliminated,
adding to manure various loading (Guanzon and Holmer 2003 ), that promotes allo-
cation of hotbed gases (Wallace et al. 1992 ). Practical examples similar composting
are resulted below.
Allocation of hotbed gas (СО 2 , СН 4 , N 2 O) in containing manure a laying for
pigs (a storage time 113 day during a winter season) defined quantitatively, using an
awning with which covered all clamp during all period of composting. Liberation
of gas paid off in the form of equivalent СО 2 /g of dry substance. In addition the de-
fined time of keeping (using gas SF 6 ) and concentration of gases in various parts of
clamp. Average time of keeping of gases in clamp was less than 2 h. Formation and
allocation of methane was observed only in the central part of clamp whereas accu-
mulation СО 2 occurred on all volume. The highest allocation of СН 4 , СО 2 and N 2 O
was observed in the beginning of storage manure lying in a clamp when the tem-
perature rose and by that conditions for development thermophile microorganisms
were created. It is possible to make the conclusion of these data, that thermophile
microorganisms first of all influence formation of hotbed gas. It has been estab-
lished, that by the most important gas determining global warming in environment,
is N 2 O (Wallace et al. 1992 ). In this connection to punched manure as already it was
marked earlier, began to add loading, providing partial adsorption of allocated gases
and increase in process of aeration, for example straw, sawdust, shavings, house-
hold dust and even deposits of sewage (Imbeah 1998 ; Walsh et al. 1991 ).
Intensive allocation NH 3 during composting pork manure in compost heaps with-
out compulsory aeration was observed at an initial stage when there was a heating
a punched mix. The sharp increase in amount of СН 4 happened immediately after
pork manure has been collected in compost heaps, but active temperature of com-
post started to decrease. Speeds of allocation of each gas in compos heaps small and
great volume were 112.8 and 127.4 g nitrogen of NH 3 /kg of the general contents of
nitrogen, 37.2 and 46.5 g nitrogen of N 2 O/kg of the general contents of nitrogen and
1.0 and 1.9 g СН 4 /kg of organic substances accordingly. It is shown, that the sizes
of compost heaps are one of the major factors influencing for speed of allocation of
gases (Maeda et al. 2011 ). Composting manure and waste of cattle-breeding farms.
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