Game Development Reference
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3. Switch off Clipping in the Mirror modifier. Select the three leg base polygons and
extrude them downward to create a thigh.
4. At the end of this extrusion,
align the geometry with a
Scale 0 maneuver along the
z-axis. This will make extrud-
ing the rest of the leg simpler
and create neater geometry.
5. Create two small extrusions
to create proper knee joint
geometr y.
6. Extrude twice more: once to
create the thick portion of the
calf muscle and once down to
the ankle.
7. Cut two to three edge loops in
the thigh and move the new
loops up toward the waist
geometry. Doing so will create
a nice joint for the waist to bend
at when rigged. At the end of all
these changes, the leg will look
like the one in Figure 3.13.
8. Let's add some character by
wrinkling the zombie's pants.
Make a few more loop cuts in
the bottom portion of the calf
geometry toward the ankle.
Select the edge loop above the
ankle by Alt+RMB-clicking
and scale it up slightly. Select
the second loop up from the
one you just scaled and scale
this one as well. Continue
to do this until you reach
the top of the wrinkle loops
(Figure 3.14).
Figure 3.13
The extruded leg
Figure 3.14
The pant wrinkle
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