Java Reference
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static void addString(SingleLinkQueue<? super String> sq) {
No matter what queue is passed to addString , you're guaranteed that it
can hold String objects.
Wildcards can be used in most declarations: fields, local variables, para-
meter types, and return types. But you can't use them to name a class
or interface in an extends or implements clause. Any parameterized types
that a class (or interface) extends or implements must be concrete types
in which the immediate type argument is not a wildcard. For example,
you can't define a class that implements List<?> . However, the type ar-
gument may itself be a parameterized type with a type argument that is
a wildcard so implementing List<List<?>> is okay.
You'll see more examples of the use of wildcards when we look at the
collection classes in detail in Chapter 21 .
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