Java Reference
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Wildcards are essential for obtaining the flexibility that we needed in the
sum example, but they have a limitation: Because the wildcard repres-
ents an unknown type, you can't do anything that requires the type to
be known. For example, you can't add an element to a queue referenced
through a variable that has an unbounded or upper-bounded wildcard
type: [3]
[3] Since the reference literal null has no type, the type-system will allow you to invoke add passing
null , but this is an uninteresting boundary case with little practical significance.
SingleLinkQueue<?> strings =
new SingleLinkQueue<String>();
strings.add("Hello"); // INVALID: won't
SingleLinkQueue<? extends Number> numbers =
new SingleLinkQueue<Number>();
numbers.add(Integer.valueOf(25)); // INVALID: won't
This is a reasonable restriction because in general, if passed a queue of
an unknown kind, you have no idea what type of object you can store in
it. So you can't store a String (or an Object or a Number or …) in a queue
that could require some other kind of element. Nor can you store a Num-
ber in a queue in which the elements are known to be Number objects or
objects of a subclass of Number because in the subclass case passing a
general Number object would be incorrect. However, given strings above,
you could invoke remove and assign the result to an Object reference-
because the returned value must be compatible with Object . Similarly,
given numbers , you could invoke remove and assign the result to a Number
referencebecause the returned value must be at least a Number .
In contrast, given a lower-bounded wildcard type, the wildcard is known
to be the same as, or a super type of, the bound, so adding an element
of the same type as the bound is always correct. For example, this
method is perfectly correct:
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