Java Reference
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11.3. Generic Methods and Constructors
Earlier we mentioned how the SingleLinkQueue class might want to expose
the elements of the queue as an array. We noted then that it was im-
possible to create an array with the type variable E and that instead the
caller should pass in an array of the right size and type. Here's a first
attempt at defining such a method:
public E[] toArray_v1(E[] arr) { // too restrictive!
int i = 0;
for (Cell<E> c = head;
c != null && i < arr.length;
c = c.getNext())
arr[i++] = c.getElement();
return arr;
This method works. If you invoke toArray_v1 on an instance of
SingleLinkQueue<String> and pass a String[] , then as many elements from
the queue as the array can hold will be copied into it, and then the ar-
ray will be returned. The problem with this definition, as you may have
already surmised from the discussion of wildcards, is that it is too re-
strictive. It will, in the current example, accept only a String[] and not,
for example, an Object[] even though it is perfectly valid to store String
objects into an Object[] .
Can we use a wildcard to help us out in this situation as well? Unfortu-
nately not. To use a wildcard we'd try writing something like this:
public ?[] toArray(?[]) { ... } // INVALID: won't compile
But this is simply not legal syntax: A wildcard represents an unknown
type in a parameterized type definition and ' ?[] ' is not a parameterized
type. What you need to do is introduce another type variable, say T , and
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