Information Technology Reference
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vSphere environment from unapproved access. Let's go over the two most common authentica-
tion coni gurations: SSO and LDAP. Follow these steps:
1. Open a web browser, and go to
https://<computer IP address or DNS name>:8283
2. Log in with your credentials:
User: vmware
Password: <your password>
3. Click the Authentication tab on the left.
Confi gure vCenter Single Sign-On
The default option for vCenter Orchestrator is using SSO. Before completing Single Sign-On
authentication, you'll need to import the SSO SSL certii cate:
1. Go to the Network tab on the left.
2. Select the SSL Trust Manager tab.
3. Enter the SSO URL under Import From URL:
https://<SSO IP address or DNS name>:7444
4. Click Import.
5. Click the Authentication tab on the left.
6. Enter the vCenter Server hostname with port info:
https://<computer IP address or DNS name>:7444
7. Enter the SSO Admin username and password:
User: admin@vsphere-local
Password: <Your SSO Admin Password>
8. Click the Register Orchestrator button.
Confi guring for LDAP - Active Directory
In many cases, you will use Active Directory as your supported LDAP server because vCenter
Server also integrates with Active Directory. As mentioned earlier, other LDAP servers are also
Follow these steps to coni gure Active Directory as your LDAP server:
1. Select your LDAP client. In this example, we use Active Directory.
2. Enter your primary LDAP host and optionally the second LDAP host.
3. Enter the root for your domain. (For example, the vtesseract.lab domain would be
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