Graphics Reference
In-Depth Information
HarryAFranck_training). Click OK when you've specified all the
names you want. The screens you've captured will appear as
slides in the Captivate project.
Figure 4-11. When complete, the project appears in the Storyboard view.
High-resolution Recording
Captivate allows you to create realistic movies and maintain relatively
small file sizes because it does not use full animation for every action.
Instead, Captivate captures a single screen, and then stores informa-
tion to create the animated elements (such as typing or pointer
movement) separately. Rather than store 30 copies of the same screen
per second (or whatever your setting is), Captivate only captures a
new frame when the screen changes. This keeps the disk space, file
size, and memory resources fairly low.
However, there are several instances when you may want to cap-
ture a higher number of frames, such as when you're scrolling down a
window. For these instances, Captivate will automatically switch to
Full Motion recording mode and actually capture a higher number of
frames per second than normal recording.
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