Graphics Reference
In-Depth Information
This process is useful when adding larger animations. To add
smaller animated elements (such as an animated GIF or flashing
arrow) to an existing slide, see the section in Chapter 7 titled
“Importing Animations.”
Before you begin, check the animation file you're going to use. It
should meet these conditions:
The animation must be in one of the valid Captivate animation for-
mats (including SWF, AVI, or animated GIF).
If the animation is going to fill your whole slide, it should be
approximately the same size as your movie. You will be able to
resize your animation if necessary as described in Chapter 7.
The animation frame rate should be appropriate for the movie
you're creating. Captivate will play all imported animations at the
setting specified in the Captivate movie preference settings (usu-
ally 30 Flash frames per second).
Open the project to which you want to add an animation slide.
Choose the location for the new slide within your project by
selecting the slide immediately before the one you want to add.
For example, if you've got the first slide open, the new animation
slide will be inserted as slide number 2. You can move slides
around later if you need to.
From the Insert menu, choose Slide and then Animation Slide to
open a browser window that defaults to the last folder you used.
Browse to the correct folder, then select the animation you want to
insert. The icon for the animation appears on a new slide in your
Duplicating an Existing Slide
If you've got a slide just the way you want it, with borders or timing or
transitions or whatever other elements you've added, you can use that
slide as a starting point for other slides. The only difference between
the slides will be in the label on the new slide—it will be prefaced with
“Copy of” and then the original slide title. There are two ways to
duplicate slides. The duplicate function copies the selected slide and
inserts the copy into the movie immediately after the original slide.
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