Graphics Reference
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Figure . . Mosaic plot example
We have classes that implement DataModel and have components of Real-
DataModel to read data fromfiles. CSVDataModel can read data froma file that
stores data in the CSV format. ExcelDataModel can read a Microsot Excel data
formatfile.heyarealmostthesameas RealDataModel exceptforthebehaviorof
the setReal method. hetraditional way of realizing them is touse an inheritance
mechanism. However, we use the “Decorator” design pattern to realize these classes
using a composition technique.
hedecoratorpattern attaches additional responsibilities toanobjectdynam-
ically. Decorators provide a flexible alternative to subclassing for extending
functionality (Gamma et al., ).
In other words, the decorator pattern provides a class to add new capabilities to an
original class, and passes all the unchanged methods of the underlying class to the
new class.
We realize CSVDataModel by decorating RealDataModel . CSVData-
Model hasthe RealDataModel objectinit. setReal of CSVDataModel reads
data from a CSV file and sets them to a two-dimensional real array. hen setReal
of the RealDataModel object is used and data are stored to it. Other methods
of CSVDataModel are all realized by delegation to the RealDataModel object.
hisisatypical decorator pattern andatypical useof thecomposition technique. See
Fig. . .
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