Graphics Reference
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Figure . . Classes for original data
We explain the difference between this realization and the traditional inheritance
realization. If we use an inheritance mechanism, all methods of a superclass are au-
tomatically available from subclasses. Instead, this realization requires explicit dele-
gation statements, which are additional work. However, explicit declarations for del-
egation are useful to make the responsibilities of classes that execute methods clear
and to realize the rigid sotware structure.
Classes for Data about Basic Graphics
PlotModel isaninterfacetosetorgetinformation foraparticulargraphic.Aseach
graphicrequiresdatatobevisualized,itdeclaresmethodsforhandlinga DataModel
object: setDataModel and getDataModel .Inordertodrawagraphic,detailed
drawing procedures are required; they are then declared in a Plotter interface
separately. PlotModel has methods for handling them: createPlotter and
getPlotter .
PlotModel has several methods for interactive operations, such as getPlot-
ModelHandler , setSelector ,and getSelector . PlotModel also has
a method for drawing strings at any location of a graphics: drawString .As
PlotModel does not maintain the size information of graphics, we specify the lo-
cation of strings by the ratio of grphicssize in the drawString method.
BasicPlotModel is an abstract class that implements PlotModel and gives
simple implementations of many of the methods. Italso defines several fieldstostore
important objects such as plotter for Plotter , selector for Selector ,
and title for the title of the graphics.
To draw a two-dimensional scatterplot, ScatterPlotModel is defined by ex-
tending BasicPlotModel . It has specific information for drawing a scatterplot
such as connect for indicating whether points are connected or not as a boolean
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