Information Technology Reference
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action number 9 represents the request Catalogue action. Wherever actions are
available in the reporting system, such as the conversion summary, the action is men-
tioned by its name (see Figure 2.7).
Figure 2.7 Conversion Summary report
as i indicated in the section on tracking registered members, the goal is not
just to collect the data for one unique report, but to collect data for overall use through-
out the system. Put yourself in a position where you can do further analysis with yet
another metric in your toolbox. Figure 2.8 is an example report showing how many
people sign up for your newsletter, grouped by search engine. each bar in the graph
represents a different search engine.
keep in mind that every time a page on which you have deployed an action is
viewed, an action is recorded. this means that you should place this code on success
pages and not passing pages, such as the pages toward a goal. it also means that the
action typically can be static and not something that needs to be inflated with a value
beyond the action number or name.
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