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ing as necessary. Separating the copy and internal navigation of the projects prevents
the text from becoming a wall of gray, and clarifies the difference between the general
navigation and the project group.
So far, the portfolio indicates clarity and good taste, but so do many other
portfolios online. It is in how they approach their project content that Triboro stands
apart. With the exception of graphic representations of logos and type designs, all of
their work has been photographed and presented to
emphasize its physicality. They shoot topics at an angle,
displaying cover and binding the way a book would actu-
ally be observed and experienced on a table. They cele-
brate the reflective shine of light on glossy paper and
indicate thickness and scale by the expert placement of
lighting to cast shadows.
When possible, we avoid using
images in a standard rectang-
ular format. We didn't like the
restricted feeling of these rect-
angles, which flatten the site.
—David Heasty
It's easy to see how Triboro approaches book
design when you can experience an entire
range of layouts, cleverly sequenced to
emphasize spot color and visual balance.
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