Graphics Programs Reference
In-Depth Information
C haracter Pre-production
Over the past few chapters, we introduced you to the world of subdivision
surfaces along with a variety of ways to create your models. You should also
have a basic understanding of the application we will be using as we move
forward in this tutorial.
In this chapter we start to look at the character we will be creating and make
sure we are fully prepared before we start to build her.
O ur Brief
Before we can do anything, we need a subject, something to bring into the
3D world, a character design to follow. Ideally, the design should have both
organic and hard surface elements so we can cover all bases and really show
what Silo is capable of.
For the purposes of this topic, let's imagine we have been approached by a
company to create a 3D model of a character, one that will be posed and rendered
to be used as a topic cover, illustration, or perhaps even eventually animated.
This is what they say...
“Hi the re,
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