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Turn Up the Volume! This One Goes to 11
Coined by Nigel from the i lm This is Spinal Tap , this pop culture phrase
commonly refers to anything capable of being exploited to its utmost abilities,
and to exceed them. In other words, it is the act of taking something to an
extreme. Coincidentilally Photoshop CS4, code name “Stonehenge”, also pays
homage to Spinal Tap. So this technique is an 11: The ADVANCED Maximize
Detail Combo Conversion Technique! To the MAX!
Once you have explored the fundamental conversion methods, you may be
ready to delve deeper into the conversion process. If you have not noticed yet,
converting to monochrome is most notably about re-establishing the spectral
relationships between color and tone within an image. The advanced printer
will know that image detail plays an integral role in successful black and white
i ne art print making. Be warned this fancy technique takes a fair bit of time, is
not simple and can be incredibly confusing. It does, however, maximize your
control over the conversion process, whereby allowing the user to selectively
maximize detail and tonality in the conversion process. Althought there are a
few variations on this technique, no other method quite matches its power, as
this one really does go to 11!
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