Graphics Programs Reference
In-Depth Information
Avg. Brightness Use the arrows or enter a value to make the
image brighter or darker.
Auto-brightness Turn Auto-brightness on to adjust the bright-
ness automatically instead of using the Avg. Brightness setting.
Setting a high gamma value and then increasing the brightness will make darker
areas much brighter, while areas that are already bright are not affected as much.
sun / sky settings As mentioned, the Render Model dialog has its own inde-
pendent sun and sky settings. This can be handy if someone asks for a render-
ing that is at a different time of year and/or time of day than you currently have
configured for the model. The individual Sun / Sky Settings are as follows:
date Choose the date of the rendering using the slider.
time of day Choose the time of day of the rendering using
the slider.
time Zone offset This setting will change the time of day by
turning the clock back by the number of hours represented by this
value. Only integer values are allowed here.
sky overcast % This is similar to the Cloud Cover setting on
the Sun & Sky asset card; however, this setting actually affects the
appearance of objects that are rendered.
render Progress The rendering is accomplished with multiple passes. The
first pass will take the longest, and subsequent passes will be much quicker. The
Render Progress meter will show you the progress of each pass. The longer you
wait and the more passes you allow, the better the quality of your image will be.
At the bottom left of the Render Model dialog you will find four icons:
start render This begins rendering the model by executing
passes. You cannot adjust the Sun / Sky Settings values while the
passes are being executed.
stop render Click this icon to stop executing passes, perhaps
to adjust the Sun / Sky Settings values or because you are satis-
fied with the rendered image.
save Image This saves the resulting image to an external file.
Available file formats are PNG, JPG, BMP, TIF, and HDR.
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