Information Technology Reference
In-Depth Information
Components for
r e presenng 2D structures
Components for represenng
temporal changes
Components for
represenng 3D structures
Map, topographic map
N etwork
Vector field
Canvas component for
visualizing 2D structure
Canvas components for
visualizing 3D structure
Body structure
Map, route map
Fig. 6. 3D visualization framework for for temporal changes in structures and values
Fig. 5 shows an example of visualizing the cancer mortality in Japan by pre-
fecture and organ. Cell D3 shows an organ map. Users can select one organ to
see the mortality from cancer for the organ they selected. In this example, cell
F3 shows the cancer mortality for all prefectures in 1999 for the selected organ
using a block map and a HeatMap. These results indicate that Osaka prefecture
has the highest rate of mortality from lung cancer. Users can also select one
prefecture in cell F3. Cell H3 visualizes the cancer mortality for all organs in
1999 for selected prefectures using the 3D HeatMap. Here, the mortality from
liver cancer is higher than that from lung cancer in Osaka prefecture in 1999.
4 TimeSlice
We have introduced visualization framework for temporal changes in 2D/3D
structures and values (Fig. 6). In this framework, we can construct 3D visualiza-
tion applications through combining interactive Timeline component, 2D or 3D
canvas components called TimeSlice [7] and TimeCube respectively. 2D canvas
component can use components for representing 2D structures such as network,
tree, and map. 3D canvas component can use component for representing 3D
structures such as map, density, and vector field. Structures on canvas compo-
nents change along position on the TimeLine. We can also add components for
representing changes in values along the timeline such as histogram, and Time-
Flux [4]. Moreover, we can copy canvas components to compare different timings
and multiple topics.
Fig. 7 shows a system for analyzing temporal changes in the activities and
interests of bloggers through a 3D visualization of phrase dependency structures
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