Graphics Programs Reference
In-Depth Information
Click and drag to finish the arch.
7 Press Ctrl+S (Windows) or Command+S (Mac OS) to save this file.
Editing your arch
In this next set of steps, you will use the Direct Selection tool to edit your path.
1 Click and hold the Selection tool ( ) to select the hidden Direct Selection tool ( ).
2 With the Direct Selection tool, reposition the directional lines or anchor points if necessary.
3 Select the Pen tool again, and choose File > Save if you made any changes with the Direct Selection
Continuing the path
You will now continue the path. Note that new methods for creating these paths will be introduced along
the way.
The last point is a curved anchor point, meaning that if you were to click and drag another path from that
anchor point, it would create a curve. This is because you clicked and dragged when you created the ori-
ginating anchor point. This can sometimes be frustrating, especially when you need to create a sharp
corner such as between the arches in this template. Fortunately, you can convert this curved anchor point
into a corner anchor point with a simple key modifier, the Alt (Windows) or Option (Mac OS) key.
1 With the Pen tool selected, position your cursor over the last anchor point that you created. You see the
Pen cursor and then a diagonal line segment ( ). The presence of this line segment indicates that you
are hovering directly over the anchor point, but do not click at this time.
2 Press and hold the Alt (Windows) or Option (Mac OS) key and look for the line to turn into a carat (^).
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