Digital Signal Processing Reference
In-Depth Information
out_b = 2 ' b10;
out_a = 2 ' b01;
As out_b is not assigned any value under else , the synthesis tool will infer a latch for storing
the previous value of out_b in cases where an else condition is TRUE. To avoid this latch the
programmer should either assign some value to out_b in the else block, or assign default values
to all variables outside a conditional block. This is shown in the following code:
input [1:0] sel;
reg [1:0] out_a, out_b;
always @(*)
out_a = 2 ' b00;
out_b = 2 ' b00;
if (sel=2 ' b00)
out_a = 2 ' b01;
out_b = 2 ' b10;
out_a = 2 ' b01;
The syntheses tool will also infer a latch when conditional code in the combinational blockmisses
any one or more conditions. This scenario is depicted in the following code:.
input [1:0] sel;
reg [1:0] out_a, out_b;
always @*
out_a = 2 ' b00;
out_b = 2 ' b00;
if (sel==2 ' b00)
out_a = 2 ' b01;
out_b = 2 ' b10;
else if (sel == 2 ' b01)
out_a = 2 ' b01;
This code misses some possible values of sel and checks for only two listed values, 2 ' b01 and
2 ' b00 . The synthesis tool will infer a latch for out_a and out_b to retain previous values in case
any one of the conditions not covered occurs. This stype of codingmust be avoided. In an if, else
if, else block, the block must come with an else statement; and in scenarios where the case
statement is used, either all conditions must be specified, and for each condition values should be
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