Digital Signal Processing Reference
In-Depth Information
Chapter 5
Other Important Random Variables
5.1 Lognormal Random Variable
5.1.1 Density Function
A lognormal variable X is obtained through the exponential transformation of a
normal random variable Y that has a mean value of m Y and a variance of s Y ,
X ¼ e Y
x ¼ e y
where x and y are ranges of the variables X and Y , respectively.
From ( 5.2 ), we have only one solution:
y ¼ ln x:
The relation ( 5.3 ) explains why the name “lognormal” comes for the variable X .
The PDF of the variable X from ( 5.1 ) is obtained using ( 2.140 ):
y ¼ ln x
f Y ðyÞ
f X ðxÞ¼
dy ðyÞj
The derivative of the transformation ( 5.2 ) is:
d x
d y ¼ e y
¼ x;
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