Graphics Reference
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How to do it...
Let's go ahead and create the material using the following steps:
Select the Suzanne object and click on the New button in the Node Editor
window toolbar, or in the Material window to the right. Rename the material
SSS_translucent .
In the Material window, switch the Diffuse BSDF shader with a Mix Shader
node. In the first Shader slot, select a Diffuse BSDF shader again, and in the
second slot, select a Glossy BSDF shader node.
Set the Diffuse BSDF shader node's Color values for R to 0.031 , G to 0.800 , and
B to 0.000 . Set the Glossy BSDF node's Color values for R to 0.646 , G to 0.800 ,
and B to 0.267 . Set the Glossy BSDF node's Roughness value to 0.200 and
Distribution to Beckmann.
Select the Mix Shader node and go to the Properties side-panel of the Node Editor
window (if not present, move the mouse to the Node Editor window and press the
N key to make it appear). In the Label slot inside the Node subpanel, label the Mix
Shader node as Mix Shader1 . Then set its Fac value to 0.200 .
Add a new Mix Shader node (press Shift + A and navigate to Shader | Mix Shader),
label it as Mix Shader2 , and paste it between the Mix Shader1 node and the
Material Output node.
Add a Translucent BSDF node (press Shift + A and navigate to Shader | Translucent
BSDF) and connect it to the second Shader input socket of the Mix Shader2 node.
Set the Color values of R to 0.800 , G to 0.086 , and B to 0.317 .
Add a Texture Coordinate node (press Shift + A and navigate to Input | Texture
Coordinate), a Mapping node (press Shift + A and navigate to Vector | Mapping),
and a Noise Texture node (press Shift + A and navigate to Texture | Noise Texture).
Connect the UV output of the Texture Coordinate node to the Vector input socket
of the Mapping node, and the output of this node to the Vector input socket of the
Noise Texture node. Set the Noise Texture node's Scale value to 20.000 .
Add a Bump node (press Shift + A and navigate to Vector | Bump) and connect
the Color output of the Noise Texture node to the Height input socket of the Bump
node. Then connect the Normal output of this node to the Normal input sockets of
the Diffuse BSDF, Glossy BSDF, and Translucent BSDF nodes. Leave the Bump
strength at 1.000 .
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