Graphics Reference
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13. Save the file.
Let's try now a slightly different setting, with two sliders for the mixture of SSS and basic
shaders. We will also give distinct colors to the Diffuse BSDF, Glossy BSDF, and SSS
components of the shader to highlight their distribution on the mesh.
First, select the Plane object, and in the Material window, switch the Emission
shader with a Diffuse BSDF shader node.
Reselect Suzanne and click on the number 2 button close to the Material datablock
name. Rename the new material SSS_03 . Then enable the fake user for this material
as well.
Delete the RGB node. Then set the Diffuse BSDF shader node's Color values for R
to 0.031 , G to 0.800 , and B to 0.000 (bright green); and the Glossy BSDF node's
Color values for R to 0.646 , G to 0.800 , and B to 0.267 (yellow). Set the Glossy
BSDF node's Roughness value to 0.200 and Distribution to Beckmann. Set the
Subsurface Scattering shader node's Color values for R to 0.800 , G to 0.086 ,
and B to 0.317 (a vivid pink). Change Falloff from Cubic to Gaussian.
Label the Mix Shader node as Mix Shader1 , press Shift + D to duplicate it,
and label the duplicate as Mix Shader2 . Paste it between the Add Shader
and Material Output nodes.
Connect the Mix Shader1 node's output to the first Shader input socket of the
Mix Shader2 node so that the connection from the Add Shader automatically
switches to the second Shader input socket.
Press Shift + D to duplicate the Mix Shader2 node, label the duplicated node as Mix
Shader3 , and paste it between the Mix Shader2 and the Material Output nodes.
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