Graphics Programs Reference
In-Depth Information
Suppress Color profile Warnings. This option ignores
color profile warnings, which can cause an action to hang
and wait for user interaction. For maximum compatibility,
select this option.
5. Specify a destination for the processed files by choosing one
from the Destination menu:
None. This option leaves the files open without saving
Save And Close. This option saves the files in their
current location. This is a destructive edit because it will
overwrite the original files.
Folder. This method saves the processed files to another
location (this is the safest option). Click Choose to specify
the destination folder. For this batch, navigate to the desk-
top and create a new folder named Batch processed.
6. If the action you're using includes a Save As command, choose
Override Action “Save As” Commands. Otherwise, the image
may write to the wrong folder. For maximum compatibility,
select this option.
7. If you chose Folder as the destination, you'll need to specify a
filenaming convention. Several pop-up fields are available for
easy filenaming. These fields make it very easy to rename files
from a digital camera or to specify a serial number. Photos
from multiple digital cameras often end up with the same
name, so this is a very good idea because you can create more
accurate and descriptive names for each image. In this case,
choose the following settings:
Field 1. Dinosaur Exhibit_ (manually type in)
Field 2. mmddyy (date) (from pop-up list)
Field 3. _ (manually type in)
Field 4. 3 Digit Serial Number (from pop-up list)
Field 5. extension (from pop-up list)
These settings will result in a name like Dinosaur Exhibit
Converting File Formats
The Batch command cannot convert
file formats. This can easily be done
in advance using the Image Proces-
sor script that ships with Photo-
shop. In fact, you can even add an
action to the Image Processor script.
It is a good idea to convert a JPEG
file to TIFF or PSD before running an
action. More on the Image Proces-
sor later in the chapter.
video 104:
Create a Slideshow
in Photoshop
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