Travel Reference
In-Depth Information
Pirates of the Caribbean
RANKING Don't miss. EMH Evening. FP+ Yes. Low priority. TYPE Boat ride through pirate-
themed Audio-Animatronics and settings. REQUIREMENTS None.
WHAT TO EXPECT One of the most famous rides at the park, Pirates sends riders floating
through a Disneyfied version of a town ransacked by pirates. In a reversal of what usually
happens, the Jack Sparrow films were based on the ride, and Jack and others from the films
are present in many scenes. SCARY FACTOR This is a lighthearted, playful ride, yet one with
lots of skeletons and implied violence. Skip it if Haunted Mansion was too much. CAN WE
HANDLE IT? There's a mild drop towards the beginning of a few feet that may result in a bit
of water splashing over the first row, but that's it.
WHEN TO GO In the first two or last two hours of the day is best. EXPECT TO WAIT 15-40
minutes in the afternoon. LENGTH 10 minutes. WHERE TO SIT All seats have a similar exper-
ience. The front row has slightly better views, and a better chance of getting a little wet.
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