HTML and CSS Reference
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6. Save your changes to the style sheet, and then open the young.htm file in your Web
browser. Verify that the page resembles that shown in Figure AC1-1, and that the text
of the home page wraps around the graphic files that constitute the student image.
7. Go to the lessons.htm file in your text editor. This file contains a short summary of
the music lessons offered by Young Notes. Figure AC1-2 shows a preview of the
completed Web page you'll create for Brenda.
Figure Ac1-2
Young Notes lessons page
8. Near the bottom of the file, directly above the last paragraph, insert a Web table con-
taining the following elements:
a. A table heading row group consisting of one row with three heading cells con-
taining the text Lesson , Per term , and Per Year .
b. A table body row group containing three rows of table data cells with the values
shown in Figure AC1-2.
c. A column group containing one column element belonging to the firstCol class
and another column element belonging to the feeColumns class. The feeColumns
column group should span two columns in the Web table.
9. Link the lessons.htm file to the tstyles.css style sheet and then close the file, saving
your changes.
10. Go to the tstyles.css file in your text editor. Add the following styles to the style sheet:
a. Set the font size of the table element to 14 pixels . Add a 10-pixel outset border with
the color value (68, 76, 169) around the table. Set the table borders to collapse in
case of conflicts with other borders. Center the table horizontally in the page by set-
ting the top and bottom margins to 10 pixels , and the left and right margins to auto .
Set the width of the table to 400 pixels .
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