Graphics Programs Reference
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you probably won't see the armature. Go to the
properties window - “Object Data” button -
“Display” tab and tick “X-Ray” (Figure 15.9).
This makes the armature visible in object mode
in solid display. It actually makes the armature
display on top of the mesh. With the armature
selected, tab to edit mode, select the tip of the
bone, and drag it up to the middle of the bend
point of the finger. Press the E key and extrude
the bone, which creates a second bone, up to
the top of the mesh finger (Figure 15.10). In
the properties window - “Object Data” button
- “Display” tab, tick “Name” to show the names
of the bones in the 3D window (Figure 15.9).
The names will be “Bone” and “Bone.001.”
Press the A key to deselect the armature bones
and remain in object mode.
Figure 15.10
Figure 15.11
15.5.1 Alternative Method for Creating
a Multibone Armature
There is an alternative method for creating a
multibone armature. With a single bone ar-
mature added, tab to edit mode and drag the
tip up to the top of the finger (Figure 15.11).
Make sure you have the body of the bone se-
lected (right click on the body), go to the tool
shelf at the left of the screen, and click “Subdivide”
(Figure 15.12). Successive clicks will subdivide
the bone and create a multibone armature.
Figure 15.12
15.6 Armature Modifiers
We will now add an armature modifier to the fin-
ger mesh object. Deselect the armature and select
the finger in object mode. In the properties win-
dow - “Object Modifiers” button, click “Add Modi-
fier” and select “Armature” (Figure 15.13). Click in
the “Object” panel and select “Armature” (Blender
named your armature “Armature”) (Figure 15.14).
It is time to test the deformation process. In the 3D
window, deselect the finger and select the arma-
ture. (Depending on how you positioned the arma-
ture in the finger, you may have difficulty selecting.
If this is the case, go to the outliner window at the
upper right of the screen and right click on “Arma-
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