Graphics Programs Reference
In-Depth Information
Color selected
Note: To see the results as shown
in this diagram, change the RGB
values to R: 0.840, G: 0.290, and
B: 0.310.
Figure 4.35
Color picker
Intensity slider
The relationship between the material and the object is
applied whether the object is selected in the 3D window or
not. If there is more than one object in the window, the re-
lationship will be applied to the last object that was selected.
To demonstrate this, deselect the cube in the 3D window.
Click in the diffuse color bar to display the color picker and
then click in the multicolored circle to select a new color.
The color of the cube changes despite the fact that it is not
selected (Figure 4.35). The material is still named “Material”
but it has been given new data. The material is still linked to
the slot and the slot is still assigned to the cube object.
It is important to understand that with an object selected
in the 3D window, the properties window shows the “Material” buttons and data that are
relevant to the selected object only. Selecting a different object in the 3D window changes
the properties window and the data from that of the previous object to the new object se-
lected. This may seem to be expressing the obvious but the concept must be understood.
The exception is that the materials cache and the materials contained therein are relevant to
any object in any scene in the Blender file.
Click in the
circle, type
the RGB
values, or
drag the
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