Information Technology Reference
In-Depth Information
Tip 332
Use Option or Command for Shortcuts
If you're choosing from options in a drop-down list to change a keyboard
shortcut in System Preferences, pressing SHIFT , CONTROL , OPTION , or COMMAND while
the drop-down list is open will show additional keyboard combinations
involving those keys.
For example, let's say you want Mission Control to activate when you hit
COMMAND +F9 rather than when you simply hit F9. Open System Preferences
(Apple menu→System Preferences), and click the Mission Control pane. Click
the drop-down list next to Mission Control to redefine its keyboard shortcut.
While the list is open, try pressing SHIFT , CONTROL , OPTION , or COMMAND —you'll see
that the shortcut changes accordingly. Selecting an entry in the list with one
of the modifier keys pressed will switch it to that combination.
You can combine keys as well—you can make Mission Control appear when
SHIFT + COMMAND +F9 is pressed, for example; just activate the drop-down list,
and press SHIFT + COMMAND at the same time.
Tip 333
Use a Gesture to See App Windows
Swipe down with three or four fingers, and you'll activate the Application
Windows mode of Mission Control for the app you're working in. In other
words, you'll see previews of all currently open program windows and can
click to bring any to the foreground.
What you might not know is that this trick can be extended to view application
windows or other apps that aren't currently active. Just position the mouse
cursor over any app's icon in the Dock, and swipe down with three or four
fingers. Doing so will activate Application Windows mode for that particular
app. Swipe back up to return to the desktop.
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