Graphics Programs Reference
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7. Press F twice to enter Full Screen mode. Now you can focus on the
entire image and appreciate its proportions. Figure 7.2 shows one
possible result.
FIGURe 7.2 Cropping the image with the proportions of a golden
rectangle and viewing in Full Screen mode
8. Press F once again to return to Standard Screen mode. Press Cmd+W
to close the document and press D to discard the changes.
Using the elliptical Marquee
In the following steps you will drag out a series of elliptical marquees that add
together to form a selection that traces the edge of a geometric dome.
1. Go to the topic's Downloads page at
/photoshopessentials , browse to Chapter 7, get the ile Dome.jpg ,
and open it.
2. Press F to enter Full Screen with Menu Bar mode. You will need extra
space around the canvas to make the selection.
3. Press Shift+M to select the Elliptical Marquee tool. As shown in
Figure 7.3, drag from A to B approximately until the edge of the
ellipse reaches the edge of the dome.
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