Agriculture Reference
In-Depth Information
• rapid bulb development or long-lasting tenderness
• flavor
• thin skin and tender flesh
• leaves only at the top of the bulb
• health and disease resistance
• bulb size and storage life for fodder kohlrabi
CULTIVATION HISTORY The earliest documentation of kohlrabi in central Europe is from the 16th
century, though several Roman authors described similar plants. It is not certain, however, whether
these Roman authors were referring to kohlrabi or rutabaga. Kohlrabi as we know it has existed since
the 19th century.
Brassica oleracea convar. botrytis var. botrytis
• 10 to 15 healthy plants, selected from at least 60 plants
• for biennial forms: overwintering strategy
• insect netting (or absence of cabbage pests)
• trellis or one support pole per seeding plant
• heated growing quarters or mild winter
GROWING FOR SEED Cauliflower is among the most challenging crop plants to grow for seed; in con-
trast to other cole crops, it develops relatively few flowers and relatively few viable seeds. The part of
the plant that we think of as the vegetable portion (the “rose”) is actually the fleshy embryonic flower
head of the plant. This should not be harvested when growing for seed, as cauliflower does not send up
secondary stalks from leaf axils when the primary stalk is removed. Shrub-like flower stalks emerge
from the rose. Cauliflower becomes highly vulnerable to rot at this point, leading many seed growers
to prune the rose to help stalks emerge; other growers have reported their crops becoming even more
susceptible to rot when employing this method. Although cauliflower is one of the few brassicas
whose seeds can ripen in one growing season, in some regions it is nearly impossible to get seed to do
so. The typical problem in central Europe (zone 6) is that cauliflower blossoms in mid to late summer,
and seeds only ripen fully when the weather in autumn is perfect. At Arche Noah, we start seeds in
early to mid winter (early varieties in late winter) and plant out in early to mid spring under row cover
until the danger of frost has passed. When plants have attained eating ripeness, improvise a roof to pre-
vent water from penetrating the rose. Remove small spots where rot is occurring, or remove entire
plants with rot problems.
Cauliflower is one of the most weather-sensitive vegetables. In some years, several small early-
blooming florets will appear; in other years, very large flowers develop very late. Some potential coun-
terbalancing measures: using row cover during cold spells; removing row cover in hot weather; con-
sistent irrigation.
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